
This Ad Agency Is Moving Into A Playboy Club

OK -- so the agency isn't moving into an existing Playboy Club -- do they even still exist? No, it's moving into a former Playboy Club. Cincinnati-based Curiosity Advertising is taking space in the city's Executive Building on 35 East Seventh Street, home to the Playboy Club from 1964 to 1983.

With regard to the move, Curiosity Advertising Partner and Chief Development Officer Greg Livingston said: “We looked at class A buildings and older, historic unique buildings. This space plays well into the ad agency culture.” Ah, yes -- the ghosts of Playboy Bunnies roaming the hallways.

The agency will restore the space's 17-foot ceilings to their former glory, add open work spaces (clearly they haven't read the memo), huddle rooms (can't we just call them conference rooms?) and, of course, a room for the agency's ping-pong table. In total, the agency will take 14,000 square feet for its 50 employees.



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