Maybe future consumer apps will offer more value, even with digital ad blocking programs.
Speaking at OMMA Boston, Otmara Diaz-Cooper, president/chief executive
officer of Diaz & Cooper, believes consumers can then choose what advertising they want to see -- perhaps with the lure of promotional or other value attached.
“The next be-jillionaire online is going to be person that invents an ad-blocking program that is an opt-in program to where you can block certain ads but allow others... It gives the power back to the consumer.”
In the consumers’ thinking, Diaz-Cooper says: “I’m willing to quantify myself to this extent on the web and I like x, y, z brands.”
But maybe not. On the same panel Robert Tas, chief marketing officer of Pegasystems, says: “There are a set of people that are your coupon-ers, your
clickers, that will certainly do that." Tas says a marketer like Mercedes may not want to do this.
He adds consumers have a different point of view: "I don’t want to be the curator of
advertising. I want to curate content. I want efficiencies.”
A mrketer like Mercedes may appreciate not wasting money serving up ads to folks who are only interested in Honda. I was thinking not of another coupon-clipping app, but rather a browser and/or mobile based platform that transforms ad blocking into ad 'filtering." Blocking only the ads the consumer does not care baout and wouldn't buy anyway. Maybe it's by category like "women's shoes" are blcoked but "luxury cars" are allowed. In the long run it will be better for both consumers and brands - not so far-fectched for 2021!
Wayne Friedman A close example to what you are proposing already exists, and is scaling rapidly this year, especially among the largest retailers. With 98% of consumers not buying products they view online, retailers have realized that using retargeting advertising often creeps them out, and predictive analytics to drive other media mostly returns poor results. So they now are embedding a second 'button' next to the Buy button that says Get Alerts. Clicking it asks the consumer for permission to advertise to them via email and other once they leave the site on the specific content they'd like to see, like new reviews. The retailers then suspend the unrequested advertising and focus on delighting the individual shopper who has opted-in. Great results too. As high as 40% opt-in and convert when the advertising they ask for shows up at up to 20%.