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Michigan Moving To Self-Driving Cars With No One At The Wheel

Michigan already has a hand in self-driving technology, but a motion from the senate may take the Great Lake State one-step further. The state senate unanimously voted to let firms and researches test self-driving cars on Michigan roads without a person at the wheel. The new bill explains humans would 'promptly' take control of the vehicle's movements remotely or the vehicle must be designed to stop or slow on its own.

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1 comment about "Michigan Moving To Self-Driving Cars With No One At The Wheel".
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  1. R MARK REASBECK from www.USAonly.US , September 9, 2016 at 9:32 a.m.

    So let's get this straight.  you have a 5000 car rolling down the highway with no driver present in the vehicle.  BUT, there is a "remote driver" watching the road, like a video game?

    Stop and let that marinate a while.  What the heck is wrong with these people?  And we keep electing these morons.  Yes, but it's in the name of technology..............I'm just layin' back and going to watch the DUMBEST IDEA OF THE 21ST CENTURY unravel

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