As the Interactive portion of SXSW draws to a close -- though now SXSW wants us to simply call the entire event SXSW and not Interactive or Film or Music -- one agency took it upon themselves to insure their SXSW budget garners some kind of ROI. LA-based RPA decided to launch an interesting recruitment program while in Austin.
The agency, in an effort to "hire fresh talent and start new friendships with interesting and innovative people at one of the largest creative conventions in the country," used Apple's AirDrop to make new connections. So, one by one, the agency spammed -- ahem -- "reached out" to those interesting and innovative people by AIrDropping in locations in and around the various panels, events and job markets those people would be attending.
Using AirDrop, the agency sent invites to a private party featuring the musical group Frenship. To attend, recipients could text "friends" to 797979 to RSVP. Additionally, the agency made note of their presence at booth #506 in the exhibit hall so that interested people could head over and immediately connect in person.
It's actually quite an innovative campaign when you realize that everyone is staring at their phone and no one is looking up to see all those stickers from JESS3 and every single other entity vying for the attention of attendees.
In terms of response, with a 60% response rate the agency says it received upwards of 237 responses to the AirDrop outreach.
Oh and too bad if you have an Android device. Clearly you are not cool enough for RPA.