
Live From Inside Gale Of Creative Destruction

Talk about cognitive dissonance.

First, Mediapost’s Jack Loechner writes about a Forrester Report, "The End of Advertising as We Know It," which was published earlier this year. Seeing as last week I started to ring the death knell for advertising agencies, I though I should check the report out.



Problem One: The report was only available on Forrester if I was willing to plunk down $499. American. Which is -- I don’t know -- about 14 zillion Canadian. Much as I love and respect you, my readers, there’s no friggin’ way that’s going to happen. So, I go to Google to see if I can find a free source to get the highlights.

Problem Two: Everyone and Sergio Zyman’s dog has apparently decided to write a book or white paper entitled “The End of Advertising as We Know It.” Where to begin researching that end?

Well, here’s one deliciously ironic option. One of those white papers was published by none other than WPP. You know I have to check that out!

As it turns out -- no surprise here -- it’s a sales pitch for the leading-edge cool stuff that one of WPP’s agencies, AKQA, can do for you. I tried to sift through the dense text but gave up after continually bumping into buzz-laden phrases like “365 ideas," “Business Invention” and “People Stories.”  I return to the search results page and follow a Forbes link that looks more promising.

Problem Three: Yep! This is it. It’s Forbes' summation of the Forrester Report. I start reading and learning that the biggest problem with advertising is that we hate to be interrupted by advertising. Well, I could have told you that. Oh, wait, I did (for free, I might add).

But here’s the cognitively dissonant part. As I’m trying to read the article, an autoplay video ad keeps playing on the Forbes page, interrupting me. And you know what? I hated it! The report was right. At least, I think it was, since I stopped reading the article.

I’m guessing you’re going through something similar right now. As you’re trying to glean my pearls of wisdom, you’re tiptoeing around advertising on the page. That’s not MediaPost’s fault. It has a business to run -- and right now, there’s no viable business model other than interruptive advertising to keep the lights on. So you have the uniquely dissonant experience of reading about the end of advertising while being subjected to advertising.

My experience -- which is hardly unique -- is a painful reminder about the inconvenient truth of innovative disruption: Things get messy in the middle of it. When Joseph Schumpeter called it a “gale of creative destruction” it made it sound revolutionary and noble in the way that the Ride of the Valkyries or the Starks retaking Winterfell is noble. But this stuff gets messy, especially if you’re trying to hang on to the things being destroyed when the gale hits in full force.

Here’s the problem, in a nutshell. The tension goes back to a comment made back in 1984 from Stewart Brand to Steve Wozniak:  “On the one hand, information wants to be expensive, because it's so valuable. The right information in the right place just changes your life. On the other hand, information wants to be free, because the cost of getting it out is getting lower and lower all the time. So you have these two fighting against each other.”

In publishing, we not only have the value of the information itself, but we have the cost of wrapping insight around that information.  Forrester’s business is industry analysis. Someone has to do the analyzing, and there are costs associated with that work. So the company charges $499 for a report on the end of advertising.

Which brings us to the second part of the tension. Because so much information is now free and Google gives me, the information consumer, the expectation that I can find it for free -- or, at least, the highlights for free -- I expect all information to be free. I believe I have an alternative to paying Forrester. 

In today’s age, information tends to seep through the cracks in pay walls, as it did when Forbes and MediaPost published articles on the report. Forrester is OK with that, because it hopes it will make more people willing to pay $499 aware of the report.

For their part, Forbes -- or MediaPost--– relies on advertising to keep the information available to you for free, matching our expectations. But they have their own expenses. Whether we like it or not, interruptive advertising is the only option currently available to them.

So there we have it, a very shaky house of cards built on a rapidly crumbling foundation. Welcome to the Edge of Chaos. A new model will be created from this destruction. That's inevitable. But in the meantime, there’s going to be a lot of pain and WTF moments. Just like the one I had this week.

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