I hate change. Well, sometimes, anyway.
Which is why I like this new TBWA campaign for the Big Mac, which hasn’t changed in 50 years.
At least that’s the claim in “The Unchangers” commercial celebrating the Big Mac’s 50th birthday. Yep, it’s made exactly the same way now as it was 50 years ago when it made its debut.
Two all-beef patties, pickles, sauce, lettuce, cheese. Same old reliable. And the same high fat and sodium content I guess. But, ummm, so good.
I definitely wouldn’t make the Big Mac a staple of my diet, now that I’m a grown-up. But every once in a while? Hey, moderation in all things.
The spot opens with a stampede of dudes with surfboards dashing across the beach to the surf. (Not sure why as the product actually debuted in the land-locked Greater Pittsburgh area, but whatever.)
“We are the unchangers,” the narrator intones as the dudes head to a catch a big wave. “We like it how it is.” There’s a celebration of mullets.
The spot ends with the tagline, “Big Mac. Fifty years unchanged.”
Some things never change, as the saying goes. Yet, change is inevitable, as another saying goes. Watch the spot and decide for yourself.
The ad was created by TBWA Brussels and Cannes Lions-winning director Jeroen Mol. The ad will also be brought to life on social media and other online channels.