Watch out for those email addresses that customers type in.
TowerData reports that 8.4% of the addresses entered on web forms using its Email Validation APIare invalid.
It may sound like a small percentage, but not when lost sales are factored in.
“Say you capture 1,000 new emails per month,” writes Brian Cardona, president of TowerData, in a blog post on the TowerData site. “If 8.4% are invalid, that’s up to 84 lost per month or 1,008 new emails lost per year. Taking the average value of $24, that’s $24,192 in lost value, or 4% in annual sales.”
“Bad data is hurting marketers, and these numbers prove it,,” he adds.
What would constitute an inaccurate email address?
“When a user signs up on your site, there’s a whole slew of things that could go wrong,” Cardona continues. “Typos, such as writing “gamil” instead of “gmail.” Poor syntax, such as missing an “@” sign. Or even simply fake email addresses.
Cardona argues that the solution is stop bad emails at the point of entry and prompt customers to enter correct addresses,
TowerData studiedtens of millions of email addresses verified in 2018.
I would suspect that the reality is worse than these stats. There is so much bad data out there and data keeps being created at an exponential rate. Many companies fully understand where we are going with data and how to actually regulate it, clean it and understand it. Even if they have a data scientist of some sort on payroll. Unless you have a bigger technical team, creating your own data cleansing tool might not be a great idea - even that could take a long time. As part of your total data quality management program check out data cleansing tools like this one: