Study: Podcast Ads Increase Brand Favorability With Super Listeners

PodcastOne and Edison Research revealed the results of a study addressing how podcast super listeners feel about advertising at the IAB Podcast Upfront this week.

Super listeners are defined as people who spend at least five hours a week listening to podcasts. Super listeners are considered to be those most like to hear podcasting ads and express an opinion about them.

The top-line results offer an overview of how super listeners view a brand's ads on their favorite podcasts and how advertisers might maximize impact in future.

According to the findings, 60% of super listeners view advertisers positively on their favorite podcasts, appreciating the support they offer. Nearly half of respondents, 44%, have a more positive opinion of a company when it is mentioned in a podcast they listen to.

Those positive feelings extend to conversions, with 70% of respondents saying they will consider a new product or service after hearing a sponsorship or ad on a podcast they listen to regularly. 



If the price and quality between brands are similar, 43% of respondents said they prefer to buy products from companies that advertise on their favorite podcasts.

Despite super listeners’ positive feelings, 50% of respondents said it is important or very important to limit their exposure to ads, and 49% felt there were more ads now than a year ago.

Approximately one-quarter of respondents said there are too many ads in podcasts, compared to 62% for TV, 47% for AM/FM radio and 45% for streaming audio.

The full finding from the study will be presented live online by PodcastOne CEO Peter Morris and Edison Research senior vice president Tom Webster on Tuesday, October 22, at 2 p.m. Registration is open.
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