
Mediahub Heads To The Metaverse

The metaverse is the buzziest of buzzwords right now in advertising, marketing and media, even culture for that matter. So it’s no surprise agencies are making plans to be a part of it.

Interpublic’s media agency Mediahub has just laid out its own plans, including an office in the metaverse. which it describes as “a dedicated space for like-minded people interested in the emerging trends, work and artists in this fast-growing space.”

Expect many agencies to follow suit. 

Mediahub’s presence, simultaneously hosted in Decentraland and on Discord, is designed as a global meeting place that is part creative marketing inspiration, part art gallery for new and emerging artists and voices, and part job fair for those candidates active in the metaverse who may not have previously thought about a career at a media agency. 



Decentraland is the metaverse built on the Etherium blockchain. It’s located next to Decentraland’s Museum District, a space filled with art galleries featuring art and artists of all types. (It's not just NFT specialists.)

Each floor of the Mediahub office is dedicated to a different theme: one floor features recent agency projects and mission, while another is dedicated to showcasing the utility of various NFT and metaverse activations, like DINOMONKS, an NFT project focused on offering mental health services-as-utility, and The Flower Project, an AI-generated female-focused charity project.

The gallery will also be used to celebrate different artists on a monthly rotation, particularly those from underrepresented communities. Visit here or if you connect with a crypto wallet, use https://mediahub.dcl.eth.  

The Mediahub Discord channel is designed to recruit next-gen talent, and will give people a look under the hood at the agency through a fully customized presence that includes pop-up recruitment sessions, informational presentations and feedback on resumes from senior staff. The channel also includes designated text channels for Recruiting, Insights + Actions, and the R+D Lab, with leads from each team regularly updating their channel with white papers, and ongoing projects. 

The agency plans to host audio chat sessions on key topics of interest.



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