Hyper-Casual Games Draw A Third Of In-App Ad Share In Category

Hyper-casual games are now drawing 34.4% of in-app advertising in the casual game category, according to an analysis by Mintegral, GameAnalytics and Tenjin. 

Puzzle games follow with a 20% share and then simulation games with 15.7%.

However, the average app retains only 17% of users after one day, the study reports. Top performers generate twice that. 

Video advertising draws an almost 70% market share, and this rises to 88% in EMEA and LATAM.

Hyper-casual garners a 56% share on Android, and 44% on iOS, the highest total on that technology. Android pulls 62%, the highest ad media spend. 

The U.S. has the highest casual game ad spend, with Japan placing second and the UK third. China is fourth. 

"Casual gaming remains a powerhouse in the mobile app industry," says Erick Fang, CPO of Mobvista, Mintegral's parent company. "Understanding user behavior and advertising trends is key to success in this competitive space.”

Data was collected between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

Mintegral is a programmatic advertising platform, GameAnalytics an analytics tool and Tenjin a mobile measurement platform. 





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