How can I demonstrate my thought leadership in the field of e-mail marketing and make a name for myself and my company?
Brilliant But Unnoticed
Dear Brilliant,
Send in a speaker proposal for the upcoming E-mail Marketing Summit, Dec. 3-6 in Deer Valley Utah. Details below.
Dear E-mail Diva,
What do the best speaker proposals for the upcoming E-mail Marketing Summit have in common?
Want To Be The Best
Dear Best,
Proposals that focus on a specific topic and showcase examples and case studies definitely have an edge. General presentations such as "The Value of E-mail Marketing and How to Make it Work for You!" do not. While theory is important, we also want real-life applications, so agency/client combos are welcome. What are the smartest e-mail marketers doing? What hurdles have they overcome? We want cutting edge thinking at the MBA-level, not E-mail 101.
Dear E-mail Diva,
I speak at all the industry conferences. Surely you don't want me to send in a proposal in your little format.
E-mail VIP
Dear VIP,
If you're burned out from speaking at "all these industry events," and too busy to submit a proposal, please take a pass on this one! We want energy and passion, not the same old, same old.
Speaker Proposal Instructions and Information:
The Summit will be held Dec. 3-6 in Park Valley, Utah. For more information on the fabulous venue and the event, go to:
If you would like to submit a proposal, please send an e-mail to with this information in the body of the e-mail, in this order:
1 - Session Title
2 - Session Description (200 words)
3 - Three to five benefits audience will derive from your session (200 words)
4 - Speaker contact information
(name, title, company, e-mail address, phone number)
5 - Speaker bio (200 words)
6 - Title and description of last three speaking engagements (please use Web site promotional copy used, if
7 - If proposed session is a panel, moderator and panelists (name, title, and company). Bios are not needed for panelists at this time.
8 - Speakers will receive a complimentary
pass to the event and an opportunity to present to some of the biggest brand marketers and industry insiders in the country. We do not provide speaker honorariums or reimburse for expenses.
We're sorry, but due to the volume of proposals expected, those that do not follow the requested format will not be accepted. Inquiries before and after proposal submission will not be answered.
Deadline: Oct. 9, 2006
Notification: Nov. 1, 2006
Slides Submission Deadline: Nov. 17, 2006
Good Luck!
The E-mail Diva