
Last Word for Tonight

So what happens when a week of travel catches up with you and you can't say, hey, maybe I'll do a blog post. Aaron and David already did posts on the Search Insiders Tell All panel, but I just wanted to recap that it was a lot of fun and something I don't get to do that often. One of the things I've really enjoyed about this Summit has been the amount of strategic conversation, both in the sessions and the networking events. And we kept everything at the panel at a fairly high, 50,000 foot view. The recurring themes at the Summit have been: What the hell isn't Google doing? Where is the future for SEM/SEO agencies I wonder if Bill Gates is really like David Vise, or Vice Versa (they do kinda look alike) Is search finished or just started? (I'm squarely in the later camp) Is the hotel burning (the answer is no, but everything else seems to be) Anyway..tomorrow's the wrap up and as much as I've enjoyed the summit, it will be good to get home. And now, I really should go to sleep.
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