The New York-based show, airing on 44 stations nationwide, will run regular on-air promotions in addition to an "American Airlines Travel Segment" on the second Tuesday of each month, when airline representatives will participate in a live question and answer segment.
GlobalHue, AA's multicultural agency of record, helped broker the deal, which began June 12 and will last indefinitely.
"The multimedia advertising opportunity, plus our participation in live 'American Airlines Travel Segments,' makes a unique and exceptional arrangement for a global airline," said Roger Frizzell, vice president of corporate communications and advertising for American Airlines.
AA will additionally advertise this partnership with banner ads on, Steve Harvey's official Web site and online newsletter; broadcast ads; 30-second radio spots voiced by Harvey to run throughout his show and a co-branded micro-site featuring video from AA's on-air segments.
The co-branded site also offers vacation suggestions and travel tips.
This is the latest effort from American Airlines to reach a specific target audience. In the past year the airline created travel Web sites for women and LGBT travelers.
The most recent site,, offers safety information, travel advice by women for women and a schedule of women's business conferences.