
Seasons e-greetings

Every year I have the best of intentions to send out real holiday cards with moving, life-changing messages to colleagues, family members, friends and neighbors. For anyone who knows me, you know this has never happened. This year, the convenience of sending e-cards has been seriously appealing though there seems to be an intense debate on the propriety of doing so.

I have to admit that e-cards do seem more impersonal; something about receiving a hard copy of someone’s warm wishes is certainly more special. It should be mentioned as well, that there is more room for notes and family pictures in a card through snail mail. It is also important to admit that I know many people use their Christmas cards as decorations in their homes throughout the holiday season.

Despite the various benefits to paper cards, I’m becoming more and more keen on e-cards. Though I’ve said this before, and it is certainly true around the holiday season, that a college student’s mind is always on his/her budget. Looking at the scary-expensive price tags on each pack of Christmas cards is enough to deter me from the process entirely. E-cards are easy to pick out and send. There is also the added benefit for the sender that he/she can look at the card whenever the e-mail is opened.

For marketers, I am sure this is good news because e-cards are like viral video – they spread very quickly and if they’re branded well a company’s name can be all over the e-card without interfering with the content. Check out this hilarious e-card produced by Office Max. This is the e-card for the naysayers, because it’s effective, funny, usable, and it seems like everyone has seen it. I received this card through work, and it certainly made the entire office die with laughter. If you are still weary of the e-card process, you could begin with just sending e-cards to colleagues or to really close friends who know you too well to require holiday cards. Try it. Let me know what you think.

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