From: Jamie
Subject: Xmas List
Date: November 30, 2015
To: Mom
Hi, Mom!
Can you believe it's Christmas? It feels like just yesterday we were at
that 4th of July cookout. Speaking of July, I also can't believe how warm it is this week in New York. I can barely remember the childhood days of sledding through the snow with David. These days I
feel lucky to pull out my coat once all winter long.
I got your message about what I want for Christmas, so I thought I'd just shoot you a quick message. Seriously, when are you going to
realize that voicemail is so passé? No one uses the telephone anymore, Mom. Why bother calling and leaving a message? For the time it takes for me to listen to your rambling, you might as well
just send me a fax. (Remember those? Ha!)
My list this year is easy - all I'm asking for is the new Connect 4V personal wireless device. I've really gotten behind the times. I just got so
comfortable with that iPhone back in middle school that it's been hard for me to switch gears! I've had enough of my friends' teasing about my "old clunker phone," though, so I'm finally ready for a
Now, I know what you're thinking - another gadget? Let me just tell you about this device. It's designed by the guys who started that social networking site Connect - you know, the
one Granddad loves so much, the one that took over when Facebook jumped the shark with the tabbed profile pages? Well, Connect is definitely the best site out there right now, and in October they
released the 4V. I must be the last person on the planet without one.
This device is the most fabulous thing you've ever seen. Through the Connect site, I already have an account that
stores all of my information - e-mail address, phone number, credit card and bank account information, professional résumé, music library and more. Once I have the 4V, I'll link it to my
Connect account, and the device will automatically sync from that point forward.
But here's the best part: Once all of the information is stored in my 4V, I can share that information
with anyone on the Connect 4V network with a simple tap. Say I owe Andrea $50 for bills - with one click and a tap of our 4Vs, the money transfers right from my bank account to hers. Or suppose I meet
a recruiter who is interested in my résumé - one tap, and all of my professional information, including my portfolio, is beamed right over to him. And at Stephen's birthday party last week,
no one even brought gifts. Everyone who came just tapped something over to him. Taylor even gave him two tickets to the Giants game!
Don't worry about security, either. If I lose it (I
won't, I won't!), the phone can only be unlocked through its instant thumbprint and voice recognition. It's uncrackable.
Most businesses now operate with the Connect 4V technology, too.
For example, Stephen's Giants tickets are now digitally stored in his device, so he can just show up at the game and tap his 4V at the turnstile. It's totally paperless, which is great for the
environment, too. A lot of bars and restaurants are also taking advantage of 4V. When Stephen and I were out last weekend, we used his 4V to view the menu, click to order, and pay for our meal. We
didn't have to talk to the waiter once, nor did we have to worry about showing IDs for our wine - the 4V stores birth date information along with everything else.
Well, I better get back
to work. One last request, though - is there any way I could get my 4V early ... maybe this weekend? I ask because I want to upload the rest of my Christmas list before it's too late in the holiday
season. See, through the 4V, I can tap in my wish list (which, in case you're curious, includes that purple dress at Bloomingdale's, a flight to London to see Aunt Betsy, and maybe even that ring at
Tiffany), and people can just send to my account through Connect. No one has to pick out a thing personally; Connect just sorts the list based on my preferences and the gifts arrive at my door, or
better yet, in my Connect 4V inbox, on Christmas Eve. No thinking, no talking, no effort - don't you just love technology?
Your Favorite Daughter