
Giving It Up

FOB-Giving It UpIf you white-knuckle it between smoke breaks, longing for your daily rendezvous with Joe Camel, the Marlboro Man or those perpetually smiling yuppie folks enjoying "Newport Pleasure!" then you're a prime candidate for "The Cigarette Is Dead" movement.

Dead, based in Colorado and gaining national notice, follows in the footsteps of EX, the first national quit-smoking campaign that launched earlier this year. Ad agency Cactus helmed the message, including an out-of-home barrage across Colorado, encompassing bus shelters, building projections and even sidewalk stenciling (basically wherever smokers congregate), as well as television commercials and an online hub,

The site tracks the increasing unpopularity of the art of smoking with an extensive timeline, beginning way back in 1890, when it was decided that minors probably shouldn't be allowed to buy cigarettes. It also encourages former smokers to share their road-to-Damascus moments, such as this one from July 2, 2006: "I bought the mountain bike of my dreams and wanted the lungs to use it properly. I still smoke herb, but no more cigarettes." Where's the Just Say No campaign when you need it?

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