
Just an Online Minute... What Stickiness?

  • by September 22, 2000
Media Metrix today released the top 50 Web and Digital Media properties for August 2000, inspiring some to ask, "What happened to stickiness?"

According to Media Metrix, users spent an average of 76.7 minutes online per usage day and viewed over 703 different Web pages per month - that translates into little more than one minute per Web page.

But that does not mean people are surfing less. According to the report, Internet users spent over 93 billion total minutes online during the month with over 39 million people went online in an average day.

Additionally, each user spent an average of over 19 hours online during the month, viewing an average of 50 different Web pages per usage day. What happened to stickiness? Web users are getting savvier and are now looking for specific content, which is all the more reason to optimize your ad campaigns.

At the same time, Nielsen//NetRatings reports that the online ad arena seems more and more to be dominated by fewer players. Last week, there were only four advertisers filling up a list of top 10 banners for the week.

AmeriDebt took sixth place, Sun took four of the top banners for the second straight week; Capital One had three top banners for its Visa card and Bonzi Software had two of its usual Windows system error banners.

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