In a program that will begin Friday and last through March 21, Giant Food stores will give free generic antibiotics to customers with a prescription for several popular antibiotics such as
amoxicillin, penicillin and ciprofloxacin, Ylan Q. Mui reports.
"Times are tough," says Robin Michel, evp for Giant Food. "If this is the way that we can help most people, why not?"
Competition is tough for Giant, too, which is the largest supermarket chain in the Washington, D.C., region. Its market share dropped two percentage points, to 35%, in the year ending March 31. The
free prescription drug program also will be offered at its sister chain, Stop & Shop.
Several experts say this is the first time they've heard of a retailer giving away prescription
drugs. "I think it's a gutsy move," says Ron Paul, president of food consulting firm Technomic. "Free is the best price anybody can ask for."
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