Hearing his favorite song, Mark turns the volume up with his aio phone. Speakers that dynamically adjust volume and eq levels, based upon the number and location of the people in the room, line the walls of his apartment. Perfectly balanced music follows Mark as he moves from the kitchen to the living room. Everything is in complete working order...
...with the exception of the tv. Its substandard 10,000 lines of resolution is a giant black eye on an otherwise blemish-free audio-video setup. Mark prides himself on his ability to
find a good deal, which is why he subscribes to so many online and mobile ad campaigns. He knows something has to be done about the tv, and considers his next move as he packs up his things in
preparation for his daily commute. He plugs the phone into the car's computer system before starting his daily route to work. The 30-minute drive isn't the worst commute he's had in Los Angeles, but
it's not the shortest either. He's actually looking forward to seeing today's personalized flashing billboards. With fingers crossed, he hopes he will see the tv deal he's been awaiting.
Mark makes his way down Olympic Boulevard toward the heart of la, he first watches the latest video trailer for Saw xiv playing on the side of a people-mover. Equipped with the latest Push Me
technology, his aio phone lights up with the simple message: "Want to listen? Click ok." After the trailer plays through, synced audio blaring through his car's stereo system, it lights up again:
"Share with friends? Click ok." Mark's eyes continue to wander along the horizon as he spies some new holograph ads for GoogleUniversal's slate of horror films. Colorful images virtually reach out to
him as he drives by at a steady 25 mph. "Making good time," he thinks to himself as he takes another sip of coffee.
Further down the street, a giant billboard identifies his car and
changes its display to inform him of matching tires for sale at the dealership three blocks away. His mind wanders on to the day's upcoming activities. There is that big presentation due next week to
prepare for, as well as the bullet-train trip to San Francisco on Friday.
A loud honk pierces Mark's thoughts as he realizes that he has been sitting at a green light for just a second too long.
After a short burst of speed, the car comes to rest at the next stoplight. Draining his room-temperature cup of joe, Mark catches an ad out of the corner of his eye. The new 8-foot oled wall he's seen
online that features a 5,000,000:1 contrast ratio with minimal energy consumption is at his favorite big-box retailer.
Just as Mark changes lanes, he hears the phone chime in. "Like what
you see? Click ok." Intrigued, he pulls over to further evaluate the details of the deal. A quick click reveals a mobile coupon for the tv featured on the billboard. Mark breathes a sigh of relief,
realizing that now is the time to buy. Normally he would take advantage of a direct purchase through his phone, but it appears as though this discount is only available at the brick-and-mortar store
close to his office. Mark mentally congratulates himself for signing up for the Push Me technology. He loves being able to instantly follow up on the ads he sees.
At work Mark plugs the
phone into his station. All email, voice mail, songs and video he collects are kept on this central hard drive that travels with him throughout the day. A projected screen helps him when he is mobile,
while the very same device runs his desktop at work. The workday proves to be uneventful for a Monday. A follow-up email from the retailer at the end of the day serves as a reminder for him to
self-fill his order. Six blocks up and then a quick left turn is all that stands between him and having everything in the apartment in working order.
Is he Maynard G. Krebs half-brother?
Best leave it to the man himself .... "Seven days of hard work? That's enough to make one weak!"