Thursday, March 31, 2005
  • Laddies-On-Demand: Maxim Goes Video Via Deal With MSN

    In a deal morphing a printed publication into a video-on-demand service, laddie magazine Maxim Wednesday announced plans to offer free video programming on-demand to … Read the whole story

  • Addressing Product Placement Concerns

    A recent survey sought ANA member companies' attitudes and activities concerning branded entertainment. The results were presented at the 2005 ANA annual Television Advertising … Read the whole story

  • Mass Transit Becomes Mass Media, Boston Launches Subway TV System

    The dialogue on The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's subway system could go from "Do you mind if I sit down?" to "Do you mind … Read the whole story

  • HDTV Expected To Reach 50 Million By '09

    As of right now, there are 10 million homes watching high-definition TV programming on a HDTV sets with an additional 5.5 million households expected … Read the whole story