Media brands, including Amazon, Netflix, MSNBC, Fox, Google, and an ascendant WhatsApp, are dominant among the top 20 loyalty brands, according to findings from … Read the whole story
Kobe Bryant was best known as a longtime endorser for Nike, but he was also a spokesperson for other brands including McDonald's and Apple. Read the whole story
Bloomberg's campaign has the highest spending among all Presidential candidates at $258 million and is largely focused on traditional media -- mostly local TV, … Read the whole story
A "floating" commercial break, to appear during a delay or other unscheduled break in the game, will accommodate two more 60-second ads -- sold … Read the whole story
The 60-second spot will air in the first quarter and features the 2020 Hyundai Sonata and the automaker's remote smart parking assist. Read the whole story
Enlightening TV ad market data is coming to light thanks to a compilation of FCC public political ad file data released today by Advertising … Read the whole story
if Facebook banned all political ads, we basically go back to BFB (Before Facebook). Politics happened back then, but minus the unchecked falsehoods. Read the whole story
"Facebook agreed to the sweeping terms in the Stipulated Order because it is committed to rebuilding the trust of its users and protecting consumers' … Read the whole story
Rainy Day is expected to deliver up to seven new podcast series in any genre. It has initial production alliances with filmmaker Allison Anders … Read the whole story