By now, Pinterest has pretty well proven its value to brands. But, there's always room for improvement. With that in mind, the pin-sharing platform just scored Gunnard Johnson to head … Read the whole story
CEO Tim Cook blamed the performance on what he called "strong macroeconomic headwinds." Along with a windy world economy, sagging iPhone sales were chiefly … Read the whole story
Twitter took it on the chin again this week, as its stock price tumbled following a weak earnings report on Tuesday. Read the whole story
Ubimo customers will be able to understand not only which campaigns perform well, but which placements or publishers are driving more traffic, locations audiences … Read the whole story
Sorry, marketers, but brands carry relatively little weight when consumers are ready for a new smartphone -- or, at least that's according to international … Read the whole story
Partners can utilize targeting and QPS (query per second) throttling tools that give them granular control over what kind of traffic they receive. Read the whole story
As more people research and purchase via mobile, an increasing number of those shoppers are looking for direct help from the companies they're dealing … Read the whole story
Twitter's new marketing push will attempt to show people that its platform is a great way to keep up with current events. Read the whole story
There seems to be a lot of interest in drones and it's coming from multiple angles. As one of the most visible objects within … Read the whole story
Global media company Matomy Media Group on Wednesday announced the launch of mtmy, a mobile-focused full-service ad agency. Read the whole story
Photographers will have the chance to shoot the cover photo of 'Brides' or 'Conde Nast Traveler', or assist on a 'Vanity Fair' cover shoot. … Read the whole story