"No one has cracked the code around video shoppability," says Walmart CMO William White. Read the whole story
Fuzzy provides 24/7 access to veterinarians and product recommendations that can be turned into a care plan delivered to your doorstep. Read the whole story
The truth is that all media can be correlated to sales without sacrificing a brand's story. How? With the right measurement solution, even TV … Read the whole story
The tools and information consumers seek most are lacking for 67% of consumers, the study found -- and AR fulfills these unmet needs with … Read the whole story
As retail media networks diversity their ad formats, media dollars will continue to shift away from onsite display ads, Forrester Research predicted. Read the whole story
"The power in Creative Commerce has been realized globally, with commercial reality elevated to the forefront of clients' growth priorities," said Tyler Murray, agency … Read the whole story
Streamers use their remotes to simply click OK. Roku's ad tech will provide targeting, optimization and measurement. Read the whole story
Will Bordelon will serve as CEO Insights Americas for the market research giant, now owned by Bain and WPP. Read the whole story
NewsGuard, which rates websites for trustworthiness, faulted the European Commission for not doing enough to police platforms' disinformation. Read the whole story