"Sesame Street" is making every effort to ensure that the Muppets don't offend anyone. Read the whole story
NBCU has made significant investments in making its streaming service an effective vehicle for advertising, and its inventory pricing will reflect that, ad sales … Read the whole story
AT&T said it will discontinue its controversial "Data Free TV" program, which exempted some video streams, including still-in-growth-mode HBO Max, from subscribers' data caps, … Read the whole story
There is a trade-off with many of these businesses -- trading lower-profit margin businesses (D2C) for high-margin businesses. Read the whole story
The MRC found there is no single standard for measuring outcomes and it will instead focus on the "quality" of data used to measure … Read the whole story
Based on its analysis, the company says fraud impressions rose 220% in 2020 over 2019 -- identifying over 5,000 fraudulent CTV apps. Read the whole story
Now, with ever more scattered premium TV and video impressions, it may be time for major brand advertisers to seek alternatives. Read the whole story