The emerging popularity voice assistants — Some 21% of American households now own a smart speaker according to eMarketer —represents an array of opportunities for advertisers which Publicis Media has spelled out in a new report.
The agency’s new “Voice” report explores the user experience with voice-assisted devices like Amazon’s …
We have developed a new product the resolve the issues consumers sight in this article. We call it VoicZing! VoicZing is a mobile voice-enabled AI capable consumer interface that will help solve the problem of low digital engagement in retail. It's focus goes far beyond the single item home voice products on the market today. With VZ consumers simply 'ask and receive'. They receive offers, rewards, suggestions and promotions on their prefered brands at their prefered stores. The personal conversation features; sight, sound and motion. Let know if you woul like schedule a live demo.
· We have developed a new product the resolve the issues consumers’ sight in this article. We call it VoicZing! VoicZing is a mobile voice-enabled AI capable consumer interface that will help solve the problem of low digital engagement in retail. It's focus goes far beyond the single item home voice products on the market today. With VZ consumers simply 'ask and receive'. They receive offers, rewards, suggestions and promotions on their preferred brands at their preferred stores. The personal conversation features; sight, sound and motion. Let know if you would like schedule a live demo.
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