Sprint TV Ad Mentions Twitter As Communications Tool

  • April 9, 2009
Sprint has launched a campaign that mentions Twitter as a communications tool going across its 3G infrastructure.

The 60-second TV spot, available at YouTube, focuses on the telecom's "Now" network. In a blog post on Twitter, co-founder Biz Stone wrote that Sprint took Twitter's little blue bird he created with artist Phil Pascuzzo and made it into a 3D animation in the commercial.

The Sprint ad notes that 233,267 people just "Twittered" on Twitter, and 26% of people viewing that have no idea what that means. Among other services highlighted in the ad, twice as many people search for the word "dog" on Google vs. "cat," the number of emails and text messages sent at any moment in time, and the quantity of mobile phone calls.--Laurie Sullivan

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