Maybe not. Come to think of it, there was that anti-iPhone screed penned by New York Times "Medium" columnist Virginia Heffernan, detailing her frustrations with its "aloof" quality and touchscreen keyboard before going back to the all-business BlackBerry. In any case, the new $99 iPhone may help to democratize the device between the sexes and among all consumer groups.
The comScore-AdMob study was mainly focused on highlighting the demographic split between iPhone and iPod touch users for the benefit of marketers and others.
Nearly three-quarters of iPhone users, for example, are over 25, while 69% of the Apple media player's owners are 13 to 24. Maybe that's why Steve Jobs has referred to the iPod touch as "training wheels for the iPhone." Accordingly, iPhone users also tend to have higher incomes, with 78% having an annual household income of at least $25,000, compared to only 66% of iPod touch owners.
Differences also show up in purchase intent. In the next six months, iPhone users said they plan to by clothing (57 %), entertainment (47 %), and travel (45 %). The proportion of iPod touch users citing clothing and entertainment was roughly equivalent, but instead of travel, their hearts are set on getting cell phones (36%). If Jobs is right, an iPhone.
The study conducted during the first half of 2009 surveyed visitors to sites within AdMob's iPhone network and encompassed 3,848 iPod touch and 3,454 iPhone users.
Perhaps it doesn't have "cute" appeal.
The iPhone/iPod Touch has a sleek utilitarian design, as opposed to a shic style accessory design. The Apple products are pretty minimalist in design, much like a sports car.
I haven't done the research on it, but I expect that has something to do with the difference.
Intersting analogy... I was nearly run down twice today, once by an investment banker type in a Black Porsche and a bit later by a teensy trophy wife driving a HUGE white Escalade. Maybe minimalist isnt BLING?
Speaking for women in general, while I absolutely love the Apple touch/phone, fingers with long nails simply can't use the keyboard. I have had to compromise by buying an I-Pod touch for my fun side cause I love the interface and apps, and a blackberry for anything that requires any amount of typing, like email.