"Cankles are the fastest growing 'aesthetic affliction' in the United States," according to Saynotocankles.com, growing faster
than "bathing suit killers" such as "muffin tops" and "saddlebags." In fact, in three years, cankles "will surpass love handles as the number one aesthetic affliction in the world."
Gold's is using PR and an "intrigue" type of direct mail, according to CMO Lisa Zoellner, who hopes that "Say no to cankles," minus any overt branding, is enough to drive visitors to the Web site. "We
thought this was a fun, lighthearted way to drive attention to a very serious issue in our country, and that's obesity," says Gold's communications director Dave Reiseman.
The site itself
is straightforward, offering diet, exercise and fashion tips and pointing out that the condition -- which is real - can be hereditary. It also offers a "7-day Free VIP" membership and supports a
contest where consumers can vote on the male and female celebrity, including Michelle Obama, who "has the best legs."