Look To The Skies: ABC Welcomes 'V'

Keeping its viewers focused on aliens -- and at the skies -- ABC will create a skywriting campaign for its "V" miniseries, a new program about aliens who come to visit Earth.

To promote the program, 22 different skywriting messages will display the big red "V" in the sky in 15 different major metropolitan markets. The campaign will run from Oct. 23 through Nov. 3.

The program, which starts Nov. 3, is an update of the 1980s' miniseries about the world's first encounter with an alien race.

In "V", massive spaceships simultaneously appear over 29 cities around the world, where seemingly the Visitors (or Vs) seem to promote a message of peace. The Vs are generous, offering to share their advanced technology. Some earthlings, however, remain skeptical.

The cities in the campaign include New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Seattle, Orlando, Philadelphia, Tempe, Atlanta, Dallas, Austin and Las Vegas.

New York and Los Angeles markets will see multiple skywriting messages over the weeklong campaign.



1 comment about "Look To The Skies: ABC Welcomes 'V'".
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  1. David Ricketts from N-A, October 20, 2009 at 12:28 p.m.

    revisiting the 1980s, yet again, for a show just tells me how dull the networks have gotten in terms of creativity.

    Essentially, less 'reality' shows = more remakes of very average 80s mini-series!

    Also, without the Cold War / international conspiracy about a communist takeover just missing any cultural connection? Or is the show supposed to appeal to the fringe groups (so-called 'Birthers' etc)??

    I guess we should expect a lot of ads for tinfoil....

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