Edmunds.com Online Game Garners Opinions

  • September 7, 2010

Edmunds.com is launching "Vehicle Rating Game" at survey.edmunds.com/rating. Participants are asked to rate a set of cars on their appearance, luxuriousness and sportiness, and then are challenged to predict the average rating for each vehicle from all the other players.

The game takes about five minutes to play, and winners will be announced monthly and will be awarded Visa gift cards worth up to $2,000.

The game, developed with Claremont College and Princeton University professor Ely Dahan is Edmunds.com's means of crowd-sourcing different vehicles' emotional appeal per Rob Hardy, Product Manager of Consumer Preferences at Edmunds.com.

"Most importantly, the Vehicle Ratings Game data will ultimately be used to help automotive shoppers understand what kind of car is right for them," he said, in a release.



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