HootSuite Plans Analytics Suite For Twitter

HootSuite will integrate Omniture into the dashboard to support marketers asking for more data on campaigns, HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes told MediaPost. By the end of September, marketers will have that option.

The dashboard already integrates data from Google Analytics and Twitter to serve up graphs that identify trends and traction of tweets and URLs. That feature, which took about two months to build, launched last month. Goals, another data-supported feature, allows marketers to identify and track shared content on shortened URLs similar to the way an analytics application may track consumers through a purchase funnel.

Take an ecommerce site, for example, where 100% land on the home page, 80% put an item in their carts, 50% get to the billing page and 40% make the purchase. HootSuite will add a similar type of tracking capability.

Analytics has become a major focus for HootSuite. Tools on the product road map include a deeper view into clicks and retweets for each Twitter post. Within the next six months, HootSuite will offer an analytics tool that drills down into the data to identify, for example, the 10% of influencers who drive 90% of the traffic, making the brand manager's job easier.

Those influencers are gold, explains Forrester Research Analysts Josh Bernoff and Ted Schadler in their latest book titled "Empowered: Unleash Your Employees, Energize Your Customers, and Transform Your Business." Among social connections, 80% of the impressions about products and services come from only 6.2% of the people online. That's an estimated "11 million very connected people." These Mass Connectors collectively generate 205 billion impressions annually, or about 18,600 impressions per Mass Connector per year.

So, marketers can easily see why it's important to identify those who do and those who do not influence others. If all turns out as planned, HootSuite also will allow marketers to optimize tweets being retweeted by those who influence news. It will identify the best time of day, the snappiest copy and more.

A rating scale provided by Klout enables marketers to identify people with clout, rating them by their influence on others. Having many followers contributes to the influence rating, Holmes says, but those who send messages that no one retweets get a reduced score. The tool, which only tracks Twitter influencers today, will soon integrate into Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites.

For marketers that want more information on influencers, HootSuite Insight finds and pulls in content available in the public domain to provide a complete profile. Holmes calls this tool a social CRM. The company also has crowd-sourced translations.

The Translation Project, launched last week, identifies HootSuite users who can speak more than one language to help translate words, for example, from Arabic to Chinese to English. One user, identified as odevriese, already advised on the translation of more than 2,895 words.




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