Kraft Mac Creates 'Instant' Twitter-Based TV Spot

  • March 29, 2011
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and agency Crispin Porter + Bogusky yesterday used tweets about the brand to create a TV ad that was run within hours. The brand selected five tweets and turned one into a spot that ran last night on "Conan" and "Lopez Tonight," reported Mashable.

Three other videos created from the tweets are now posted on the brand's Facebook page, in an area dubbed Mac & Cheese TV (M&C TV).

Senior brand manager Noelle O'Mara told Mashable that the results would need to be assessed before a decision is made as to whether to continue the innovation. O'Mara confirmed that a "Mac & Jinx" campaign ran earlier this month, which identified pairs of people who tweeted about the brand, reached out to them and then rewarded the first responder with prizes, and had generated more than 1.5 million tweets and made Kraft Mac & Cheese a trending topic for a day.



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