On the premise that we learn more from our failings, Thom Kennon, SVP Director of Strategy at Y&R, wants to know how, where, and why his OMMA Tablet panelists have messed up.
Without explicitly associating himself with the issue, Chuck Fletcher, Euro RSCG New York's Chief Technology Officer, calls out “crazy navigation.” Early design attempts by publishers like Wired and Popular Science were especially egregious, Fletcher said.
On the brand side, too many marketers are failing to track those metrics that represent success in a mobile context, said Melissa Parrish, Senior Analyst of Interactive Marketing at Forrester Research. More broadly, brands aren’t taking the time to think through consumer behavior.
Without naming names, Richard Ting, SVP and Executive Creative Director at R/GA, said the tablet space doesn’t work for everyone. In particular, “For CPG, I think it’s a little bit of a challenge,” Tings said. To the point, brands that can’t come up with some interesting content might want to rethink their tablet strategy.
Everyone agreed that, by far, the worst decision a marketer or publisher can make is repurpose their smartphone format for tablets. Its mere mention invited a collective "Ooooooh..."