Well, if this was truly a Mad, Mad, Mad Men World, then Don
Draper at VivaKi might be the case, according to an interesting analysis released by the social media analytics team at GraphEffect. It analyzed the Facebook “interest graphs” of
fictional “Mad Men” characters to see what real, modern-day agencies they would be working for “if they were alive today.”
Turns out the protagonist (or depending on your perspective, antagonist) Don Draper would be working at Publicis’ VivaKi unit, which is currently run by the far-from-mad-man Jack Klues.
Interestingly, the GraphEffect analysis shows that the fictional “Mad Men” characters would be working mainly for media shops, not the kind of full-service brand agencies that the TV show actually depicts. (Then again, the show is set before the rise of the modern day media agency.)
Peggy Olson would be working at Omnicom’s PHD unit, Roger Sterling would be at WPP’s Maxus, and Joan Harris would be at Publicis’ MediaVest.
The only brand shop represented on the analysis is Ogilvy, which would apparently appeal to Pete Campbell, the consummate account guy.