Andy Miller, who ran the iAd unit at Apple and led Quattro Wireless before Apple acquired the company, has become the chief operating officer at Leap Motion, a motion control startup. Miller left Apple last summer to join investment group Highland Partners. Leap is a company in Highland’s portfolio. According to a story in Fortune, Miller had been focused on the Leap venture in recent months, so it made sense to bring him on full-time.
Leap is developing a 3D motion-control peripheral that brings a gesture interface to PCs. Via a $70 add-on device, Leap creates an interactive space around the computer screen that allows hand gestures to register on screen and for the user to do things such as write with a pencil motion. The device purports to distinguish among fingers for complex interactions. Users can create custom gestures as well.
While distant from his roots in mobile advertising, Miller tells Mobile Marketing Daily that his attraction to Leap Motion is not unrelated to the smartphone ecosystem. Central to the Leap model is an app store where developers can distribute software that leverages the hardware most effectively. Leap will be bringing this app store to devices and any OEM relationships the company makes with other hardware developers.