Nonprofits have rather modest budgets when it comes to marketing. Many have turned to online. Testing will become a bigger part of what search marketers should do this year to quantify campaigns -- not only for nonprofits, but all companies. It has become more important to Andrew Chapman, manager of site analytics at PGA Tour. He uses testing often to check in on customers, making sure the profile stays up to date.
When Chapman first arrived at PGA Tour, the standard customer description went something like "old, rich, white males." The retired audience at home goes mostly for their desktops if they can’t watch the telecast. The nonprofit knows they are golfers, but there are other segments to the audience the nonprofit didn't quite understand.
While PGA Tour thought these CTOs, CEOs and CMOs were the majority of its audience, it turns out only 38% are employed, and 25% are retired, he told Search Insider Summit attendees Monday. The retired audience typically watches on the desktop when they are home. About 59% are over the age of 50, and 27% are age 60 or above.
The new information changed the culture, focusing more on mobile campaigns, Chapman said. The nonprofit has a limited budget to reach fans. "We are finding mobile is best to focus on a younger audience," he said. Reaching the older group means segmentation.
This past weekend PGA Tour ran six ads promoting stats, video options, and scoring. "We ended up with a 16% click-through rate on a 0.13 cent cost per click (CPC), and we got 22,000 hits, all but about 900 were on the leaderboard," Chapman said. "Of all the ads we ran, six different ones, the leaderboard is the one they want. That's what they clicked on. When you know your audience, why fight against them?"