Forrester Research estimates that information within a large company grows at about 76% year-on-year, according to Binesh Lad, Google's enterprise search manager. He tells us in a video
uploaded to YouTube Friday that employees can spend about 25% of the time looking for information -- of which 50% of the time is spent looking in five or more silos within the organization. About 38%
of the time they don't find it.
We don't hear too much about search engines, tools and features for internal use within a company, but there is certainly a need to connect the silos of information across an enterprise to better serve customers, internal (employees) and external. This will not only help employees locate information within their department, but across the company. And it gives executives an understanding of how they can use data across an enterprise to serve ads to a specific audience segment.
Google's video demonstrates the breadth of the company's enterprise search tool -- and the stats related to its search engine, which Lad spews forth during his presentation, boggle the mind.
Lad tells us that Google built the enterprise Search Appliance -- which he describes as the "Google algorithm in a box" -- on the company's Web search technology to crawl and aggregate information across a company's data silos such as enterprise resource planning systems, procurement, inventory or more. Google, which indexes more than a trillion URLs, can give you the answer within 200 milliseconds, he says. Other stats that Lad shares: 100 billion queries monthly, of which 15% are new, more than 200 signals in algorithms, and more than 500 search improvements annually.
A slide in Lad's presentation lists Novell, Workday, Oracle, IBM, Salesforce and SAP, but it's not clear whether these companies are clients of Google's Enterprise Search Appliance or if he is demonstrating the integration capabilities of the search tool.
The company's search engine optimization (SEO) team should support the enterprise implementation by monitoring and removing duplicate content, supporting host names, and managing the structure to
ensure that all systems connect to the appliance.
"Magnifying Glass" photo from