The voices of Neil Patrick Harris and Rainn Wilson will be featured in the new campaign for the 2014 Honda Odyssey advertising campaign. The new effort also presents a new Honda tagline, "Start Something Special." Besides three initial TV spots, there's a tie-in with "The X Factor" talent show, an integration with Rovio's "Angry Birds" and Zyngo's "Words with Friends."
The idea behind the ad campaign is that every minivan with kids in it ends up looking like the kitchen floor after a meal. In the ad gummies, lollipops and little toys come to life as “spokescrumbs.” Those are voiced by Harris and Rainn Wilson (“The Office”).
The effort, via Honda AOR Los Angeles-based RPA, includes television, print, mobile and digital executions puts a special focus on the Odyssey’s in-vehicle vacuum cleaner HondaVAC.
The television creative has a lint ball (voiced by Harris) and gummy bears (voiced by Wilson) safely commenting on the car in places where refuse gathers, until the HondaVAC sucks them up. One character comments, "This sucks."
The automaker says the campaign will run on network and cable television, online video, high-impact homepage takeovers, gaming, mobile, location-based targeting and print. High-impact, rich media kick-off the digital campaign via homepage takeovers scheduled on Amazon, AOL and Huffington Post.