Digital media holding company CPXi,
formerly CPX Interactive, this week acquired AdReady, a self-serve demand-side platform (DSP). AdReady will operate as an independent division of CPXi and will retain its Seattle headquarters.
AdReady's CEO, Aaron Finn, will be general manager.
“This acquisition is an important addition to the demand side of our offerings," stated Michael Seiman, CEO of CPXi.
Advertisers can build ad creative and buy media programmatically using AdReady's DSP. Seiman claimed in the release that the platform is the only one to combine programmatic targeting with "scalable creative." Essentially, AdReady's platform prides itself on the ability to offer both creative building and media buying services.
A CPXi representative told RTM Daily that the company "found it very valuable to acquire a platform that has both real-time creative and real-time services for the advertisers they serve today and for their expansion plans."
In addition to its demand-side offerings, the platform has tools for publishers with local or small account offerings.
Terms of the deal were not disclosed.