
Targeting Inception: Targeting The Targeters (And Retargeting Them Too)

"It's about reaching the right person at the right time with the right message."

How many times have you heard or read a variation of that quote when it comes to marketing? It might be a tired statement, but it remains one of the easiest ways to define real-time marketing.

Something that I've overlooked is that the ultimate media buyers (i.e. marketers) need to be targeted too. The people that reach and influence consumers need to first be reached and influenced.

Like clockwork, the media buyers need to be reached at the right time with the right message.

The message can vary, but the best time has been discovered: Tuesdays from 2-3 pm ET.

Tuesday is the day the majority of appointments with marketers are set (30%), which is as much as Mondays (17%) and Fridays (13%) combined. Wednesdays and Thursdays are both home to 20% of marketer appointments. In terms of time, 56% of appointments are set between 11 am and 3 pm ET, with the 2-3 pm block holding the most (16%).

The data comes from LeadJen, a B2B lead generation company. LeadJen compiled data of over 1.45 million call and email attempts to marketers from 2010-2013 and released it in a whitepaper. LeadJen claims a total of $4.8 million in revenue was eventually generated from the contact attempts their study deals with.

Since you're all consumers, too, you know what it's like to see a message that doesn't seem relevant. If it doesn't get your attention (in a good way) off the bat, you're likely to ignore it.

Like clockwork, media buyers are quick to say no if they don't understand what they are being targeted with.

"Because of the growing market for technology solutions aimed at marketers, marketers tend to get a lot of phone calls," LeadJen's whitepaper reads. As a result, marketer's have a tendency to quickly say no. LeadJen suggests that, like "consumers" in the typical sense, "the marketer may not even completely understand the option they've discarded."

Since you've all experienced retargeting, you know that, occasionally, a message you previously ignored or missed might spark your interest the next time around.

Like clockwork, media buyers occasionally respond favorably to follow up efforts even after rejecting first attempts.

LeadJen says 13% of all appointments set with marketers come from an email sent to a target after receiving what LeadJen calls a "hasty no" response. LeadJen even uses the word "retargeting" in their whitepaper when talking about reaching out to marketers a second time around.

Essentially, the ultimate targets — the consumers — and just part of a chain of targeting efforts.

Inception. (Minus Leo.)

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