NEW! GEICO's Latest Ad Performs The Oldest Trick In The Book

GEICOThe Martin Agency launched its latest round of "Did You Know" spots for GEICO this week, featuring old-school trickery and auctioneers as grocery store clerks. In “Tricky,” a man tells his date that there is an oldest trick in the book. A flashback to medieval times shows a magician asking his young protégée to look to his right. Obviously, nothing is there and it takes a moment for the man to realize he’s been tricked, much to the delight of his mentor. See it here. There’s also an extended online-only version, called the Tricky Remix,” found here. One career an "Auctioneer" can’t fall back on is that of supermarket cashier. He’s too busy raising the price of groceries (as if we don’t have enough of that already) and selling them to other customers in line. Watch it here.



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