DirecTV, Disney In Talks For Online Service

Now DirecTV looks to join Dish Network in the race for an online/digital programming service -- one that wants to compete with Netflix.

As part of its overall TV carriage negotiations with Walt Disney, DirectTV is in discussions with the big media company, according to Reuters.

The deal would be similar to the groundbreaking one Dish Network inked with Disney earlier this week, where TV programming service could be delivered via computers, smartphone and tablets. That deal also includes traditionally delivered TV and cable network agreements.

Also as part of that agreement, Dish Network said it would disable its AutoHop commercial-skipping function of its Hopper set top box. AutoHop can automatically skip over entire prime-time programming commercials on the TV broadcast networks.

For its part, DirecTV says these talks were expected in regard to the regular renewal process of TV and cable network deals the satellite TV provider is currently looking to make.

All TV providers have been angling to secure online digital rights to TV programming -- but virtually none have been successful. Now that Disney has broken new ground in dealing with Dish Network, as the basis for starting up a new over-the-top (OTT) Internet-delivered programming service, analysts expect other TV content owners and TV providers to make similar deals.

DirecTV has previously discussed building an OTT service for niche audiences.

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