NEW! Axe Creates 'Social Effort Scale' For Guys Trying Too Hard On Social Networks

axeThis might come as a surprise to some, but people can overdo it when it comes to sharing on social networks. (No!) Axe launched a tool for guys, the "Social Effort Scale," which calculates whether they're trying too hard on social media. Do we really need to see every location you check into, or countless selfies of your abs? The site promotes Axe's new hair styling line, MATTE EFFECT by Axe Platinum Series.  Guys log into the Social Effort Scale website via social media profiles. The site uses an algorithm that calculates how often they post on social media, how often they update status, whether emojis are used and how many retweets they  get. After receiving their score, guys can view a list of cities that are trying to hard in the social media department in real time. Check out an intro video on how the site works here. Barton F. Graf 9000 and Unit9 in London created the site.



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