AdNews has posted an article featuring thoughts from Esther Carlsen, Xaxis’ general manager, Australia. Carlsen “warned against letting the machines take over entirely,” at the recent DNA 14 conference, citing the Wall Street ‘Flash Crash’ of 2010 as a reason why.
“Nobody has really come up with a full explanation of what went wrong. But one of the conclusions was that it was the ‘dumb machines’ running wild, whereas the smarter ‘black boxes’ had realised something was badly wrong and stopped trading,” AdNews wrote.
“While the shift to programmatic trading in media mirrors the automation of the stock market, Carlsen said that media was ‘a million miles away’ from the volumes and sophistication of Wall Street,” the post continued. “But she said that the ‘challenges that have impacted the financial market will effect our world’ and there were lessons to be learned, one of which was the importance of human interaction and intelligence.”