The Movable Ink US Consumer Device Preference Report from Movable Ink, focuses on data from October 2014 -December 2014 about consumers’ adoption and use of smartphones,
tablets, and desktop computers, and how they engage with email while using their preferred devices.
This edition shows that, together, smartphones and tablets have become a
dominating force in email marketing, now accounting for the majority of email opens in every state. As email marketers think about how to create engaging, contextual emails in 2015, it’s clear
that creating responsive email campaigns should become a business-critical priority.
Key Findings
- Smartphone email opens hit an all-time high in Q3 2014
as opens rose to 48%. Now, that number is about 50%, marking an all-time high for 2014
- Apple keeps the crown, with combined, iPads and iPhones accounting for 58% of email opens. Android
smartphones and tablets accounted for 8% email opens. Meanwhile, Kindle fire, Windows phone and Blackberry devices accounted for 0.3% of email opens
- More states keep going mobile-first. Over
the past year, states have turned to smartphones as their go-to method for opening emails. In Q3 2014, there were still fourteen states that were teetering between smartphones and desktops as their
favored technologies. In Q4 2014, that number dropped to an all-time low, with only nine states still preferring desktops over smartphones
- Android users read, iPhone users glance. 55% of all
Android users read an email for 15 seconds or more. Meanwhile, 40% of iPhone users looked at emails for 0-3 seconds and 35% looked at emails for 15 seconds or more
- With end of the week for
mobile, beginning of the week for desktop, email open rates are polar opposites for mobile and desktop. The most opens happen at the beginning of week on desktop computers (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
and at the end of the week on mobile devices (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
- Smartphones are early risers, tablets are nocturnal. The findings showed that the most popular time for email opens on
smartphones is the early morning, from 6am to 9am. Tablet use, on the other hand, sees an uptick at night
Email Opens By Device
66.34% of emails q3 2014 were opened on a mobile device
58.26% apple mobile device
7.62% android mobile device
42.57% of Emails opened on an iPhone
33.66% opened on a Desktop
15.69 on an iPad
6.57 on an Android
1.05 on an Android tablet
0.19 on other smartphone
0.07 on Kindle Fire
Length of Read By Device |
| Read Length |
Device | 15+
Seconds | 3-15 Sec | 0-3 Sec |
Kindle Fire | 57.3 | 15.0 | 27.6 |
Android | 54.9 | 28.0 | 16.9 |
Windows phone | 45.1 | 32.3 | 22.5 |
Android tablet | 43.1 | 28.8 | 28.0 |
Desktop | 39.1 | 20.5 | 40.2 |
Other mobile | 36.7 | 27.9 | 35.2 |
iPhone | 35.8 | 23.7 | 40.5 |
iPad | 26.4 | 29.4 | 44.0 |
Source: MovableInk, January 2015 |
For additional information, please visit the Movable Ink here.