NEW! Canadian Tire Encourages People To #ShovelItForward

canadatiresCanadians know their hockey and wintry weather. Canadian Tire launched a 60-second video that encourages Canadian residents to pay it forward by shoveling a neighbor's driveway. Shovel It Forward is a social media campaign launched following a series of heavy snowfalls that took place recently. Canadians in eight communities were surprised with a shoveled driveway and Canadian Tire-branded shovel on their doorstep, engraved with instructions to pass it on by shoveling snow for someone else. Canadian Tire is also sending 20 of its branded shovels to the Greenfield, Wisconsin Fire Department, who recently responded to a cardiac call from an elderly man shoveling his driveway. After taking the man to the hospital, the fire fighters returned to shovel his driveway. A video supporting the cause shows a father waking up his daughter so the duo can shovel their elderly neighbor's driveway. See it here. Viewers can visit to watch videos, read stories about neighborly kindness, and see photos tagged with #SHOVELITFORWARD. Tribal Worldwide, Toronto created the campaign.



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