
New Agency Theme Song Generator Totally Not As Exciting As 'AdWeek' Editor's Picture of Couple Having Sex on Red Carpet at Cannes Lions

This is most assuredly not as exciting as AdWeek Editor David Griner's picture of a couple having sex on the red carpet at Cannes Lions a day ago, but, hey -- we can't all be in the perfect place at the perfect time. Anyway, nice work, David. 

Okay. Back to the mundane world of stupid things agencies do when, apparently, they have no client work to keep them busy. Digital product design agency O3 World Labs has developed an app that plays a person's favorite song (anthem?) when they walk into work. 

The mobile phone app pairs with an iBeacon, which is paired with a Raspberry Pi (a mini computer) attached to a sound system. When the app senses a person in the office, a digital chain of events occurs and the individual's theme song is played for all in the office to hear. 

The agency says the thingamajig will "make those first few minutes in the office just a bit more pleasant." I say, after the first play or so, co-workers will probably be gouging their eyes out wishing the stupid thing was never cobbled together. 

Check out the project video here .



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