How should brands connect with a social media talent? Know lots about influencers, as well as giving them creative freedom.
Pamela Naumes, senior director of brand engagement for Bolthouse Farms, in speaking at OMMA Art & Science: “The biggest fear is not knowing.” Concerning how brands look at these connections, she says: “We don’t treat them like a paid-campaigns; we treat it like something new.”
Shaun McBride, a Snapchat producer/influencer, says a well-working agency can be a good go-between, knowing what the brand wants, as well as what an influencer needs to be creative.
In that regard, Adam Gausepohl, creative director of PopShorts, says: “We wouldn’t recommend brands go directly to talent.” An agency can be of big help here.
Gausepohl says it’s important to have deep knowledge about influencers: “We watch their content all the time.” Additionally, it also important to determine work habits, including, for example, whether they simply can meet deadlines.
Naumes says it’s equally important to give influencers lots of freedom -- that sometimes agencies should be involved in the process between social media stars and brands.