
Agency Thanks Donald Trump For Supporting The Republican Party

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump has progressed from clown car buffoon into what some believe to be a full blown threat to the Republican party. This includes Boulder-based TDA_Boulder which is out with a new video encouraging Trump to continue coming to the aid of the Democratic party.

In the video, agency staffers say, "I hope Donald Trump wins the Republican primary. Sure, he's a bigot. Big bigot. But polls indicate he could never win a general election. So every time Trump says something offensive to me or anyone else, he's one step closer to putting a Democrat in the White House. So keep talking. Talk as much as possible Mr. Trump. Thank you, Mr. Trump, for supporting the Democratic party in 2016. 

The site points to, which redirects to a page on the TDA_Boulder site on which visitors will read, “We’re not a political party; we are something even more objectionable, we are an advertising agency. But an advertising agency with some ethics and good intentions, and we don’t like bullies. This video is our unified stand on behalf of our co-workers, peers, friends and family members who are Hispanic. We’re offended by Mr. Trump’s assertions concerning Hispanic members of our community.”



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