Smartphones are front and center in
back-to-school smartphone shopping this year and they’re going to be used mostly to make sure the consumer is getting the best price.
More than three quarters (78%) of parents are using their phones for back-to-school shopping, 7% more than last year, based on a new survey commissioned by Retale.
The study comprised survey of 1,000 parents with school-aged children in grades K-12.
Of the parents who use their smartphone for shopping, most will be using them to compare prices. Consistent with many other studies, many also will be looking for coupons and deals. Here’s how they plan to use their smartphones this shopping season:
Interestingly, how consumers use their phones depends on where they are.
For example, almost half (47%) buy directly from their mobile device when out of the store while only 26% do it while in the store, which makes total sense.
Likewise, more than two times more people create a shopping list on mobile while out of the store than in it.
But looking for coupons and deals is almost the same whether in or out of the store. The same is true for comparing prices.
In further evidence that deals rule in mobile, 89% of shoppers said they typically choose where to shop based on the availability of smartphone coupons on deals.